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818 toasties served!

The Chantry Centre

With our "pop up" soft play sessions coming to an end for winter 2023/4, it is perhaps worth taking stock.  First - the numbers - which speak for themselves: 22 sessions, 576 children and 818 toasties. Our survey showed 48% came from Dursley, 31% from Cam and 21% from other Stroud District towns and villages - including Berkeley, Stonehouse and Wotton-under-Edge.


Its been great to see so many children, parents and carers at the sessions each Thursday. Some came almost every week and we saw the children grow over the 6 months; others came just for a session or two. Some we say good bye to as they will be moving onto school, others we hope to see again in September. Thanks to you all for your support and lovely feedback.


Thanks go to the National Lottery who agreed to extend the period of their funding support for an additional year to allow us to subsidise the sessions this year. We have already started looking for new funders for next year as we are keen to continue to offer the soft play at an affordable price.


Thanks go to Mark (and his much admired toasties!) and our supportive "front of house" volunteers -  Julia, Ester, Angela, Boo - without whom the sessions could not run.


Now, please please can we see the summer sun!



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