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Looking Back and To The Future

The Chantry Centre

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

2022 set to be an exciting year!

As the end of what has been another turbulent year approaches it is with great pride that the Chantry Centre has been able to weather the storm and continue to evolve to provide a much-valued venue for the local community.

The annual Flower & Produce Show took place at the end of August and was the most successful yet - with 42 entrants who entered 62 classes, and a total 291 exhibits! Another event hosted by the Garden Group and enjoyed by many was Applefest held in October.

It has been joyful to see the Lister Hall back in use with regular hirers returning with their activities along with several new groups looking to commit long term to the Chantry Centre for the first time. This has included Boogie Shoes line dancing, Strictly Dance classes and Just Jive Dances and “It’s Showtime” by DODS; we eagerly await their ever-popular Pantomime to take to the stage in January.

Elsewhere, the Skittles league has restarted, there is a new Board Games group in the recently decorated Games Room and, thanks to a team of very dedicated volunteers led by Jude, the Garden Café is going from strength to strength. Serving a range of delicious homemade cakes including a gluten free option every Wednesday and Saturday morning the café has already become a popular meeting place.

All of this could not have been achieved without the hard work of Mark, Matt, the Garden Group, café volunteers and the continued support of the community, together with funding from Dursley Town Council to help with essential building improvements and generous donations from Friends of the Chantry Centre.

Behind the scenes we have also been working hard with Active Gloucestershire to review and evaluate potential long-term plans for the Chantry Centre and how we can continue to evolve and successfully invest future S106 money from the Littlecombe development.

With notification from Stroud District Council at the end of 2021, that they expect to have the S106 funds available by the end of January 2022, next year is certainly going to be a busy and exciting time!

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